How to clean suede couch cushion covers

clean suede couch cushion covers

How to clean suede couch cushion covers

Suede is a precious and luxurious material and can be a beautiful addition to any home. Unfortunately, ante comes with a downside: it can be difficult to clean, and if the cleaning is done incorrectly, you run the risk of ruining the material. If you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and learn safe ways to clean suede, you can ensure your look at fresh, new cushions for years to come.

Everyone should know how to wash a suede pillow because almost everyone has one at home. Most will take you to a dry cleaner. While this is the safest method, you can also wash a suede pillow yourself. Follow these simple steps and wash your own suede pillow without the use of a professional dry cleaning service. However, if a stain is too severe, you may want to consider dry cleaning.


  • Examine your furniture cushions to determine if you own synthetic or real suede. This step is vitally important in determining how to properly clean your suede cushions. Washable suede can be washed carefully, but real suede does not mix well with water. If you are not sure, check the label on your furniture or contact the manufacturer.
  • Test your washable synthetic suede cushions for discoloration when it comes in contact with soap and water. Put some detergent in an area that is hidden and rinse after five minutes. Then let it dry to determine if any discoloration occurred. If it seems safe to wash, vacuum the fabric first to remove any street crumbs or dirt. When washing, use a mild detergent, making sure to use cold water and the delicate cycle in the washing machine. Dryer on low heat and immediately remove the covers from the dryer after finishing. These lids should not be ironed.
  • Keep the suede cushions on your own by treating the annoying, less noticeable stains with simple home remedies if you have real suede that cannot go in the washing machine. Use a dry bath towel, nail brush, or toothbrush to work the naps. For dry stains, use a suede eraser or pencil eraser. Gently rub the eraser over the stain and begin applying more pressure as you continue your efforts. You should be able to see the marks lift up the fabric and on the eraser. However, if the eraser technique doesn’t work, rub the stain with a damp cloth and white vinegar, allowing the suede to dry before evaluating the stain again.
  • Avoid immediately damp scrubbing or blotting the stains too hard, as this will cause the stain to seep deep into the fibers of the suede. Instead, place a paper towel over the liquid so you can soak up some of the excess liquid. Then follow the steps for dry stain removal.
  • Protect your suede against future stains by using aerosol protection, which can be found in most supermarkets or pharmacies.
  • Invest in a professional cleaning service if you have real suede. Especially if it’s your face of a significant sprucing up, dry cleaning may be the best way to ensure that stains are safely removed and the fabric looks refreshed.

You may also like to read how to clean suede couch.

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