
Are you looking for social media apps designed for kids under age 13? Did you know that there are many ways to get your younger kids into social media where they’ll be safe and engage with kids of their own age? Here are the top social media apps designed for kids under age 13 for parents who want their kids to learn how to use social media in a safer environment. As you know most social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter only allow kids age 13 and older to have a profile.

So you think you’re finally ready to make the jump from renter to homeowner? Awesome! In this exciting but admittedly scary time, you might be inclined to turn to friends and family for advice—especially if they own homes. But beware, dear homebuyer of the future: Those close to you might not be the experts you think they are. You could be heeding bad (albeit well-intentioned) advice without even knowing it.